Civil Twilight – Choreography for 450 nm and 600 nm and Through the Looking Glasses at Cinedans / Eye Filmmuseum

Civil Twilight – Choreography for 450 nm and 600 nm and Through the Looking Glasses at Cinedans / Eye Filmmuseum

Two installations by Andrea Božić and Julia Willms at Cinedans Fest, EYE Film Museum, Amsterdam

Opening: 20 MARCH | 18:00 - 22:00 | Foyer Cinema 1, Eye Filmmuseum
Exhibition: 21 - 24 MARCH | 11:00 - 22:00 | Foyer Cinema 1, Eye Filmmuseum

Civil Twilight - Choreography for 450 nm and 600 nm
Andrea Božić and Julia Willms | TILT
Video-light installation
Video projection, light, mirror floor
14 min loop

The video-light installation Civil Twilight - Choreography for 450 nm and 600 nm works with the palette of the night sky colours, a deep indigo-violet-blue and deep orange-red ranges, the shortest and longest wavelengths visible to human eye. It features a cube-like shape in constant movement that plays with the perception of colour and shape. It combines infrathin layers of colour light projected across several surfaces, creating a perceptual continuum between a 2D video image and 3D projection screens, the shape constantly affected by a flux of merging colour fields. Civil Twilight plays on the concept that color does not exist by itself but emerges in an interplay between the light, the surface and the perceving eye.

More information about the installation here

More information about the festival here

Through the Looking Glasses
Andrea Božić, Robert Pravda, Julia Willms | TILT
Audio-visual installation
Several persons installation, white glasses, light, sound,
4 min loop

Through the Looking Glasses is an audio-visual installation based on the Ganzfeld effect, a sensory immersion within the space of colour and sound. The eye sees no recognizable spatial border or shape but a uniform colour field. The ear hears no recognizable sound related to the outside space but a continuous noise wave. ‘Looking outside’ becomes ‘looking inside’. The visitor is taken to ‘no space’: an intimate sensory immersion environment and an inverted cinema.

More information about the installation here

More information about the festival here

Credits: Concept, installation, video-light composition: Andrea Božić and Julia Willms | Animation: Julia Willms | Technique: Niels Runderkamp, Erik Denneberg and Julia Willms | Software development: Nikzad Arabshahi |

Produced by TILT
Made possible by the financial contribution of KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen (DE) and Tijl Fund (NL). TILT receives structural subsidy from the Amsterdam Fund for the Art (NL) for the period 2021-2024. Sponsored by Aukes Theatertechniek Verhuur.

Photo's: Julia Willms and Helge Krückeberg